Čtvrtek 06. března 2025 10:12
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Oil falls for third day as industry data suggests large US crude inventory

12.10.2023 11:22  Autor: InvestCentrum  Sekce: Burzovní zpravodajství  Tisk

Oil prices fell for a third consecutive day as trading began in Asia on Thursday, reacting to a report by industry group API that suggested last week may have seen the biggest weekly increase in U.S. crude inventories in eight months.

After Monday’s four per cent price rise in the wake of the worst outbreak of fighting between Israeli and Palestinian forces in a decade, which sparked fears about Middle East oil exports, oil markets have taken on an unnatural, strange calm over the past two days as it emerged that the market may have overreacted to the crisis.

Oil prices have thus surrendered more than 3% of those gains in the past 48 hours, especially after a Reuters report that Saudi Arabia’s state oil company has informed at least four refiners in North Asia that it will deliver the full contractual volume nominated for November.

Saudi Aramco’s pledge (TADAWUL:2222) was at odds with what Riyadh has publicly communicated to global oil markets – that its priority is to keep the market tight, not to ensure that supplies are generously available whenever needed.

On Wednesday, the oil market optics deteriorated further after the API, or American Petroleum Institute, reported that U.S. crude inventories likely rose by nearly 13 million barrels last week, which could be the highest build since February.

In Singapore on Thursday afternoon, the price of New York West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude for November delivery fell 31 cents, or 0.4%, to $83.18 a barrel at 12:40 p.m. Singapore time (00:40 a.m. Eastern time). From Monday’s high of $87.24, the US benchmark crude fell to a low of $82.78 in the latest session.

“Going into the new trading day, moving below $82.35 would increase the bearish bias with the next support (being) at the low (of) last week, at $81.56,” said markets analyst, Greg Michalowski, in a post on ForexLive’s forum.

A super bullish narrative to a suspect one in 3 days

London Brent crude, with the most active December contract, weakened 22 cents, or 0.3%, to $85.60 in the latest session. On Monday, Brent hit a high of $89.00 but hit a low of $85.19 on Thursday. 

“The oil market narrative had gone from a super bullish to suspect in just three days,“ said a partner at New York-based energy hedge fund Again Capital, John Kilduff.

In addition to last week’s huge increase in crude inventories, gasoline inventories – the No. 1 fuel product in the U.S. – rose by 3.645 million, adding to the previous week’s increase of 3.946 million, the API said.

The only really positive element in the API report was a decline of 3.535 million barrels of distillates – the raw material used to make diesel and heating fuels – compared with an increase of 0.349 million barrels in the previous week.

API also reported a decline of 0.547 million barrels in storage at Cushing, Oklahoma, compared with an increase of 0.705 million barrels the previous week. The increase in the previous week was the first in Cushing in several months. Until this week, there was concern that inventories at Cushing could fall to such a critically low level that would complicate further withdrawals from the storage center.

The API numbers serve as a precursor to official inventory data to be released by the US Energy Information Administration on Thursday.

For the past week, analysts tracked by Investing.com expect the EIA to report a 0.37 million barrel decline in crude oil inventories, compared to the 2.224 million barrel drawdown reported in the week to September 29.

As for gasoline inventories, the consensus expects a 1.5 million barrel drawdown versus a jump of 6.481 million barrels in the previous week. Automotive gasoline is the number one fuel product in the US.

Distillate inventories are expected to decline by 1.5 million barrels compared to a decline of 1.269 million barrels in the previous week. Distillates are processed into heating oil, diesel fuel for trucks, buses, trains and ships, and fuel for aircraft.

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