A few questions about crypto regulations in Czech Republic
Hi there. I hope that we can speak english here. Last time I was trying to use your language, but unfortunately the Google is a piece of shit, when it comes to translate. There's many similarities between our languages, but also a lot of misunderstandings because of this :). I'm from Poland and I'm thinking about replace my investments from Poland to Czech Republic. My wife is working in your beautiful country since a few years and she was getting the tax resident status. That's why I can think about this option. Of course I know it's a lot of better places for crypto, but this is the only one possible option for us. I'm pretty sure you guys know what's going on with crypto in Poland at this moment. It's straight way to banned the crypto. They was trying to discourage people from crypto through online campanies and scaring us. Now they want the taxes, but even didn't inform us how to do this. Many people will lose their lives because of this. It's a serious crap. That's big cheek for us. Fortunately, I'm safe. I hope so at least. I didn't make a thousands of transactions, but was focus on the long-term investment. Anyway, I don't want to continue this game here and risk all of my funds. What's the point of? I want to make a donation for my wife. Then she will continue investing in your country and pay taxes in Czech Republic. Could you tell me please something about crypto position in your country? From the political point of view? Are crypto tolerated or goverment is trying to ban them? Panic or calmness? Be honest, please. Explain me, please, what's taxes you have to pay? In Poland for example, we have to pay 18/19/32% (if we earned) and 1% from each transaction (just like when buying/selling a car). This 1% we have to pay, when we don't have a registrated firm, our investment are totally private and it's not the basic way in getting the money. And I'm interested in this situations only. I know Monero, but I want my cash clean, so I'm ready for pay all of the necessary taxes. Thanks for your time. Appreciate it ;) Regards, Simba |
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Autor | A few questions about crypto regulations in Czech Republic (1 odpovědí) |
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