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Oil Slides Amid Gaza War Diplomacy

23.10.2023 13:43  Autor: InvestCentrum  Sekce: Burzovní zpravodajství  Tisk

Oil prices fell on Monday as investors continued to focus on the situation in the Middle East, where diplomatic efforts are intensifying in a bid to curb the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

At 0837 GMT, Brent crude futures declined by 24 cents, or 0.26%, settling at $91.92 per barrel. Meanwhile, U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures dropped by 36 cents, or 0.41%, reaching $87.72 per barrel.

During Monday’s session, both benchmarks traded more than $1 per barrel lower than their respective settlement prices from the previous session at their lowest point.

Contracts rose more than 1% last week for the second week in a row on concerns about possible supply disruptions if the war between Israel and Hamas escalates into a wider conflict in the Middle East, the world’s biggest oil supplier.

According to PVM analyst Tamas Varga, “Escalating wrath in the region will strengthen economic headwinds, potentially rising oil prices will push global inflation higher, monetary tightening could resume, and global oil demand growth will be dented.”

On Monday, Israel sustained its bombardment of Gaza, following overnight airstrikes launched over southern Lebanon.

Over the weekend, aid convoys began reaching the Gaza Strip from Egypt, coinciding with a summit in Cairo where Arab leaders and foreign ministers convened, albeit failing to produce a collective statement.

Vandana Hari, the founder of oil market analysis provider Vanda (NASDAQ:VNDA) Insights, mentioned, “There is some relief in the oil market that Israel is holding off on a planned ground incursion of northern Gaza to negotiate a release of hostages, which opens up a window for diplomacy.”

Following his recent visit to Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden held discussions on Sunday with the leaders of Canada, France, Britain, Germany, and Italy. Prior to these calls, he had spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis.

This week, leaders from France and the Netherlands are scheduled to visit Israel.

Last week, the U.S. decision to suspend sanctions on Venezuela, an OPEC member, following an agreement between the Venezuelan government and the opposition, may have allayed concerns about potential diminished oil supply in the event of further escalation in the Middle East.

In September, Norway’s crude production dropped to 1.64 million barrels per day (bpd), marking a decrease from 1.79 million bpd in August and falling short of the projected 1.73 million bpd.


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