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Elon Musk’s ‚successful failure‘ formula has been demonstrated by the explosion of a SpaceX rocket

21.04.2023 10:29  Autor: InvestCentrum  Sekce: Burzovní zpravodajství  Tisk

Experts said on Thursday that the spectacular explosion of SpaceX’s new Starship rocket, which occurred minutes after it took off on its first flight test, is the most recent striking example of a „successful failure“ business formula that benefits Elon Musk’s company.

Rather than viewing Musk’s colossal, next-generation Starship system’s fiery demise as a setback, experts said the dramatic loss of the rocket ship would help accelerate development of the vehicle.

Media coverage of the eagerly awaited launch was dominated by images of the Starship tumbling out of control while attached to its Super Heavy rocket booster before the entire vehicle exploded.

SpaceX admitted that several of the 33 highly effective Raport engines on the Super Heavy had issues during ascent and that the booster rocket and Starship had not been able to separate as intended before the unfortunate flight was aborted.

However, SpaceX officials, including Musk, the company’s founder, CEO, and chief engineer, praised the test flight for accomplishing the main goal of getting the vehicle off the ground while also providing a wealth of information that will advance Starship’s development.

Practice makes perfect, right?

The test flight had advantages, according to at least two planetary scientists and aerospace engineers who spoke with Reuters.

Garrett Reisman, a professor of astronautical engineering at the University of Southern California and a former NASA astronaut who also serves as a senior adviser to SpaceX, said, „This is a classical SpaceX successful failure.“

The Starship test flight, according to Reisman, is a defining feature of a SpaceX strategy that distinguishes Musk’s business from conventional aerospace firms and even NASA by „this embracing of failure when the consequences of failure are low.“

To prevent potential injuries or property damage on the ground from falling debris, no astronauts were on board for the crewless flight, and the rocket was flown almost entirely over water from the Gulf Coast Starbase facility in south Texas.

„Even though that rocket costs a lot of money, what really costs a lot of money are people’s salaries,“ Reisman said in an interview with Reuters shortly after Thursday’s launch.

Reisman claimed that by taking more risks during the development process as opposed to keeping „a large team working for years and years and years trying to get it perfect before you even try it,“ SpaceX ultimately saves more money and has a shorter time to find and fix engineering flaws.

In comparison to a few hours ago, Reisman claimed, „the timeline for transporting people (aboard Starship) is accelerated right now.

Tanya Harrison, a planetary scientist and fellow at the University of British Columbia’s Outer Space Institute, cited the first flight of such a big, complicated launch system as a major accomplishment for clearing the launch tower and ascending through a crucial point known as maximum aerodynamic pressure.

She said in an interview, „It’s a step in the testing process.“ „Many accidents happen when you’re trying to design a new rocket. Many people were ecstatic that it even launched at all.

She also argued that the risks of a single flight test were insignificant in light of the substantial gains that were at stake.

She declared, „This is the biggest rocket humanity has tried to build,“ pointing out that it is intended to transport „orders of magnitude“ more cargo and people to and from deep space than any current spacecraft.

Harrison said that while NASA is working on a mission to bring back kilogram-sized samples of Martian soil and minerals that the Mars Perseverance rover has collected, Starship will bring back many tons of rock as well as transport dozens of astronauts and entire lab facilities to and from the moon and Mars.

Commercial satellites, science telescopes, and eventually paying space tourists are expected to use the fully reusable rocket system to travel to other planets, according to Musk, who has positioned Starship as essential to SpaceX’s interplanetary exploration goals as well as its more immediate launch business.

Harrison stated that „it wouldn’t surprise me if we had humans on Mars with Starship in the next decade.“ He cited SpaceX’s quick rate of development since its founding in 2002, which has led to dozens of commercial missions each year with its workhorse rocket for low-Earth orbit, the Falcon 9.

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