Čtvrtek 06. března 2025 10:05
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Dollar strengthens ahead of Fed meeting, inflation data

12.06.2023 10:50  Autor: InvestCentrum  Sekce: Burzovní zpravodajství  Tisk

The dollar rebounded from two-week lows as investors awaited inflation data and the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision for clues on potential rate hikes.

The Fed is expected to keep rates unchanged at its June meeting but may maintain a hawkish stance, suggesting a likely rate increase in July due to inflation remaining above its 2% target.

According to Vassili Serebriakov, an FX strategist at UBS in New York, the Fed is likely to maintain the view that further action is necessary, and they may also aim to discourage expectations of policy easing.

Serebriakov expects the Fed to raise its „dot plot“ of policymakers‘ rate expectations and inflation projections, indicating a more hawkish stance and suggesting a potential interest rate hike.

The upcoming data, scheduled for release on Tuesday, is anticipated to reveal that headline inflation increased at an annual rate of 4.1% in May. Additionally, core prices, which exclude volatile components, are expected to have risen by 5.3%.

The euro weakened by 0.30% against the dollar, reaching $1.0749. Meanwhile, the dollar strengthened by 0.34% against the yen, trading at 139.40 yen.

The dollar index, which gauges the currency against six major counterparts, climbed 0.22% to reach 103.53.

Investors are observing the greenback within a relatively narrow range as they await clearer indications regarding whether the economy will continue to exhibit strength and elevated inflation or if it is trending towards a contraction.

Recent data released on Thursday revealed that the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits experienced a significant surge, reaching the highest level in over 1-1/2 years during the past week.

In the latest jobs data released on the previous Friday, it was reported that employers added 339,000 jobs, surpassing expectations. However, the unemployment rate rose to a seven-month high of 3.7%.

According to CaxtonFX strategist David Stritch, the significant increase in jobless claims, bringing them close to a two-year high, has been interpreted by the markets as a clear indication of potential weakness in the U.S. economy. This, in turn, may lead to a more cautious approach from the Federal Reserve regarding interest rate hikes.

Next week, both the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) are scheduled to hold their respective meetings. The ECB is anticipated to increase euro zone rates by 25 basis points (bps) to reach 3.50% on Thursday. Conversely, the BOJ is expected to keep rates unchanged during its two-day meeting on Friday.

Earlier this week, the Bank of Canada and the Reserve Bank of Australia surprised the markets by raising interest rates in an effort to address persistent inflationary pressures.

Following the release of data indicating a record high core inflation rate in May, the Norwegian krone experienced a significant surge. The core inflation rate, which excludes energy prices and taxes, rose to 6.7% year-on-year, surpassing the 6.3% figure in April and exceeding the average forecast of 6.2% among analysts polled by Reuters.

The greenback declined by 1.34% against the Norwegian krone, falling to a level of 10.76 krone, which marks its lowest point since May 17.

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