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Gold strenghten as dollar falls; investors await inflation data.

27.06.2023 11:54  Autor: InvestCentrum  Sekce: Burzovní zpravodajství  Tisk

On Monday, gold prices ticked up as the dollar declined in anticipation of crucial inflation data that may influence the decisions of major central banks worldwide in the upcoming weeks. Many of these banks are currently preparing to raise interest rates.

The front-month August gold contract on the New York Comex closed at $1,933.80 per ounce, marking a modest increase of $4.20, or 0.2%, compared to the previous day. This marks a positive development as it is the first time the US gold benchmark has not hit a three-month low since reaching a low of $1,919.85 on Thursday.

At 16:12 GMT (20:12 GMT), the spot gold price, which is closely monitored by certain traders and reflects physical gold trades, stood at $1,922.83. This indicates a slight increase of $1.36, or 0.07%, from the previous value.

Valeria Bednarik, an analyst at FXStreet, noted in a written statement, “Investors adopted a more cautious stance as major central banks continue fighting inflation with rate hikes at the time most were believed to be already on pause and preparing to move in the opposite direction”.

Gold remains 5% higher than last year, despite inflationary pressures

Ed Moya, an analyst at online trading platform OANDA, commented on Friday:

“The dollar is rising on strong demand for government bonds as investors worry about the global growth outlook. After falling to the $1,920 level, gold is starting to attract safe-haven flows as the sell-off in equity markets intensifies.”

As the half-year mark approaches, gold prices are facing a limitation or constraint.

In June thus far, the price of gold has experienced a decline of 2.6%, following a 1.8% decrease in May. Nevertheless, it remains over 5% higher compared to the previous year.

The presence of higher inflation, exceeding the preferences of US and European authorities, indicates robust economic performance on both sides of the Atlantic. This sustained demand for gold as a safe haven reflects the market’s confidence in its value during uncertain times.

Given the likelihood of central banks such as the Federal Reserve (Fed), the Bank of England (BoE), and the European Central Bank (ECB) preparing for further rate hikes, there is a potential for a mid-year surge in the dollar and US Treasury yields. Such developments could put downward pressure on gold prices.

Investors can expect new insights into the potential future trajectory of interest rates on Friday with the release of the May personal consumption expenditures price index. This index serves as the Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge and will provide valuable information for market participants.

Inflation is a widespread concern across different regions and economies

During the 12-month period ending in April, both the PCE price index and the core inflation rate remained significantly above the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%.

Inflation numbers will impact investor expectations for the Fed’s upcoming rate decision in July, following their pause in June but signaling potential rate hikes. Additionally, the consumer confidence report, set to release on Tuesday, is expected to show improvement from the previous month’s six-month low.

On Friday, the eurozone will release preliminary inflation data for June. While there are expectations of a moderation in headline inflation, it is anticipated that core inflation will be higher. This situation highlights the challenge that the European Central Bank (ECB) is currently facing.

Following the recent meeting, ECB President Christine Lagarde surprised many by adopting a more hawkish stance. She emphasized the need for rate hikes to bring inflation down to the ECB’s 2% target and asserted that rates would be maintained at current levels for as long as necessary.

Traders are currently placing their bets on an anticipated rate hike from the ECB in July. Furthermore, they are expecting an additional rate increase that would bring rates to 4% by October.

Investors will have an opportunity to listen to a panel discussion at the ECB’s annual forum in Sintra, Portugal on Wednesday. The discussion will feature ECB President Christine Lagarde, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, and other global central bank leaders. Given the context, it is expected that inflation will be a central topic of discussion during this exchange of views.

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